September 23, 2013

“In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these MY BRETHERN, (in Kenya) ye have done it unto me”

Dear Partners and prayer supporters,

Most of our funds are designated for scholarships or specific work but the “Jesus Cares Fund” is to use at our direction for needs we come across daily.  Most goes for food and medicines but will list just few things we do.

Over the last month God has enabled us to touch a number of lives in a positive way.


1)      Continue our help with Peter, a fun loving child at Shalom, who has a serious eye problem and was found to have meningitis lesions on his brain.

2)      Provide for the bi-monthly check ups necessary for Esther, also a Shalom student,  to be sure her ear problems are held in check

3)      Provide a proper diagnosis for an Ethiopian girl to a problem she has had for years and is now getting the right treatment for

4)      Provide medicine for treatment of typhoid for a very ill tailoring student who is now healthy and back in class

5)      Provide a little assistance to a mother whose husband abandoned her for another woman just before the birth of her seventh child.  The baby was hospitalized with pneumonia for three weeks

Hand up:

1)      Helped the above mentioned mother start a small business to support herself and her children.  She is doing very well and had saved 2000ksh before the baby was hospitalized.

2)      Provided food for young people who have finished trade school but are in process of doing their attachment, which provides very little money as they complete their training

3)      Helped a young man and his grandma who is HIV positive and has other illness with food as needed

4)      Provided food for a family whose father became very ill with malaria and couldn’t work for two weeks

5)      Provided transportation for various needs of individuals and for the soccer team

Spiritual assistance:

1)      Purchased bibles for individuals; in Kiswahili, in Kakumba and in English. This was besides the 17 bibles we had purchased and given out with the generous gift we received for bibles

2)      Printed materials for the bible studies we have been conducting at our house

3)      Printed over 100 manuals for the seminars we taught on the book of Ephesians; they were all given out and more requested

4)      Paid for transportation to teach and share the Gospel and encourage God’s children in churches and the community

5)      Paid for food as we hosted many in our community with “tea” and a celebration party at which over 60 attended just to get to know each other and to share God’s love for them

Being able to extend a hand in hard situations demonstrates to those here God’s love wrapped up in your care and concern for them.  That is almost as big a gift as the physical one, to know someone cares.  May God richly bless you as He blesses the often “forgotten” here in Kenya with your gift.
Ilowee Owens

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